
Marriage tips for Birth Number 1


marriage tips for Birth Number 1 (born on dates like 1, 10, 19, or 28 your No. Is 1.)

1. You are always predisposed to marriage and you are fond of your helpmate provided he is also of equal enthusiasm and has a love of beauty and of dress, at home and in public.
2. It is, however, often seen that you hardly get a companion of your choice, with the result that you are often disappointed in your married life
3. You will be attracted towards intellectual types and yet because of the intellectual bias, there can be an absence of passion and warmth which, despite your own intellectual conception of affairs, you will desire. Hence it will be somewhat difficult to bring about desired developments.
4. The marriage partner can be contacted whilst on a journey or as a result of attending a lecture of a d 5.You have a natural attraction towards persons born in the period between 21st July and 20th August, between 21st November and 20th December and between 21st March and 20th April. It is therefore advisable that you select your marriage partner from their period.
5. You also have an affinity for those who are governed by numbers 1, 4, 5, 7 and their corresponding multiples.
6. If your Birth No. Is 1, it is better for you not to marry anyone who also has his or her Birth No. as 1. Why? Both of you will try to dominate each other and you will end up with quarrels, misunderstandings and fights. Born with Birth No. 1 you consider yourself superior to others. You do not respect their opinions. When a husband and wife have this mentality how can you co exists? You will dislike each other and your marriage will fail.
7.As per numerology No. 4 person will make an ideal match for No. 1. If No. 1 is like a magnet, No. 4 will be like iron. The 4 person will obey all the commands of No. 1 person. He or she will never forsake you.
8. Persons with Birth No. 8 will make an ideal match for you. Persons with 8 have a great affinity for the No. 1 borns. They will make any sacrifice for you unhesitatingly. As per numerology and marriage, the 8 persons will have true love for you. They will exhibit their love openly. So if you are born with Birth No. 1, you are lucky to marry anyone who has his or her Birth Number as 8.
9. As per marriage numerology, your next choice will be those born with 3, 5, or 6. You can marry them. and also expect a normal married life. But remember, there will be no true love between you and your wife. As per numerology and marriage, If you are a woman, there will be no true love between you and your husband. Persons with such numbers only go astray and become victims of extra marital relationships.
10.As per marriage numerology, if with 1, you are forced to marry one with 7 or 9, your marital life will not be happy. The 7 persons will cause financial failures. They will not make ideal husbands or wifes. You will invite troubles.
11.As per, Numerology the 7 persons will make you face court cases, separation, or divorce. The 9 persons will not suit you as a husband or wife .They will be good only for those who have birth number 3, 6, or 9.
Birth Number 1 as husband
1. You have a kind and loving disposition and a loving heart.
2. You are generous and desire your wife to shine in society.
3. You want your family members to dance to your tune, and you will not tolerate disrespect.
Birth Number 1 as wife.
1. You are aristocratic by temperament and attract people to your home and command great respect.
2. You need a virile husband who can offer the romantic outlets that your passionate nature requires.