
Marriage tips for Birth Number 4

Marriage tips for Birth Number 4 (born on dates like 4, 13, 22, or 31 your No. Is 4.)
1. You have a natural attraction towards persons born in the period between 19th February and 20th March and between 21st October and 20th November. It is, therefore, advisable that you select your marriage partner from this period.
2. You also have an affinity for those who are governed by numbers 1, 2, 4, 7 and 8.
3. You will have a very good family life. But you should get married on your lucky date and time. You will be blessed with many children who will add color to your life.
. If you will love spending a lot of money on many things. Therefore it will be better and wise for you to choose a girl from a rich family back ground as your wife.
4. Your most ideal partner should have No. 1 as his Birth Number. As you have 4 as your Birth Number you will have a natural affinity and affection for persons with Birth Number 1.You will love to please your husband or wife at any cost. You will be instantly ready to do any sacrifice to please your spouse. And you will enjoy doing it. In short you will have an ideal husband wife relationship.
5.As seen in numerology for No. 4 your partner with No. 1 will play the lead role in your life. You will always be submissive to him and you will like it. You will do the same thing even if his Life Number is 4.The beauty in name numerology is that 4 & 1 or 1 & 4 make the most ideal marriage partners. If you consider 1 as the Magnet, No. 4 constitues the iron filing that moves and attaches itself to the magnet.
6. Numerology declares that just as in the case of 4 & 1, you with Birth No. 4, will like to love and marry a person with Birth Number 8. Here you play the lead role. The 8 person always obeys your commands. Numerology number 8 makes it remain loving and submissive to persons born with 4 as birth number or life number. Care, Love, Affection, and obedience will be the part played by an 8 person if you were born with 4.
7. According to numerology, only partners with 1 or 8 will be most suitable to you as a husband or wife. If you marry any other person born with any other numbers besides 1 and 8, your life will not be successful. Numerology Number 8 is in general supposed to be unlucky. But as you are born with No. 4 as birth number or life number, the situation is different. In fact the most successful lovers in the world have 1, 4 & 8.
Birth Number 4 as husband
1. You are affectionate and emotional. You are generous and have a kind and loving heart.
2. You expect a partner who has an active temperament and quite a deal of physical courage.
3. You are quite possessive which many create unpleasantness.
4. You are shrewd and intelligent and expect your wife to share your views.
5. You are dominating and want all affairs of the house to run as per your desire.
Birth Number 4 as wife.
1. You are smart and attractive.
2. You have the art of dressing well and have a strong will power.
3.You aim at several things but hardly succeed in getting mastery over even one.
4. You love interior decoration but do not have the capacity to work hard at it, and you will get it done through others
5. You are many times dictatorial and moody and spoil your birth due to your own whimsical nature.
6. You love your home but are not attached to it very much.
7. You are often uneasy and it is better for you to find a friend governed by number 1 or 2. You are headstrong and sometimes cruel.
8. You always make others dance to your tune. This is m
ore so if you are born during the period of Mars and on the 22nd of a month such as, 22nd March, 22nd April, 22nd October, 22nd November and even 22nd December