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Presence of Moon in different houses in horoscope


First House
Wealthy, elegant, handsome, attractive personality, illness related to cold, pneumonia, epilepsy, number of children, fear from water, fond of wandering, charm, attracts opposite sex, liked by friends, suffers from ailment of walking and speaking during sleep, whimsical, mediator, secret planner, interest in medical field. Confident, learns some art before doing main occupation, frequent transfers, changes in residence. Ill health at the age of 27.
If in sign Aries, Taurus or Cancer – benefic results. If of Krishna Paksha – one son must. If of Krishna Paksha but very weak – malefic, headache, injury from vehicle or animal. If exalted or debilitated – wealthy. If in Leo sign – position of authority in committee or society. If in Capricorn sign- lazy but interested in opposite sex. If in Aquarius sign – bulky body, hard worker. If in Sagittarius sign – knowledge of religion. If in sign Aries, Leo or Sagittarius -impatient. If in Libra sign – learned. If debilitated – ill health and deligent. If in Aries or Scorpio or Cancer or Aquarius sign and also with Venus and aspected by malefic – illicit relation with number of females. If Moon is weak – eyes trouble, poor, disgraceful, deaf and dumb, neurological problems. If lord of Moon’s sign is in kendra and aspected by Saturn – unlucky yoga. If with Mars – wealth does not leave company. Weak Moon in kendra always bestows good results. In female horoscope – ill health, charming, peace loving, prosperous, if Moon is strong suffers from epilepsy, marriage at early age. If Moon is of Shukla- Paksha – Extremely beautiful. If of Krishna Paksha-poor, ill health, quarrelsome, dirty clothes. If Moon is with Mars – problem in menstruation, romantic. If in Aries, Scorpio, Cancer or Aquarius sign and aspected by malefic planet – having illicit relation with other males. If Sun is in 11th house and Mercury is in 10th house – becomes queen.
Second House
Number of sons, happy, enjoys the life, good health, weakness for women, enjoys with family, beautiful, likes foreign land, endurance, fortunate, wealthy, brown hairs, red eyes, talkative. Luck helps at the age of 27. Enjoys company of beautiful females, charm attracts opposite sex, wealth stays permanently at home, stammers, Loss of money through sister or daughter.
If with Mars – poor, skin – disease, both the planets become incapable of giving good results. If with benefic planets – financial gain at the age of 27. If with lord of 2nd house – Rajyoga. If Moon is weak – stammers, financially week, stupid, indifferent in behavior. If debilitated – sorrow, poor. If in Scorpio or Capricorn sign – malefic. If week Moon is aspected by Mercury – loss of hard earned assets. If alone in Aquarius sign – recovery of lost money, sound financial position after marriage. If in Taurus sign- conveyance. If in quadruped sign – four wheeler conveyance (car). If with Mercury – eyes trouble. If in Gemini sign along with Jupiter – Rajyoga, co-borns are very happy. In female horoscope – prosperous, progeny, benefic for father and husband, good character, polite, very devoted to husband, has her own principles and ways, devotee, charitable, throat problem specially Thyroid certain.
Third House
Income through own efforts, Weakness for women but never gets defamed, Religious, Famous, Disposition is happy and cheerful, Believer of God, sweat tongue, Happiness of Brothers/ Sons / Friends, settles in foreign country, Learned, Protects religion, Goes abroad from 27th to 30th year of age. Penalised by Govt. due to crime committed or financial loss at the age of 24. Breast-fed by lady other than mother, co-born at the age of 5. Cough, frequent changes in business, earns money through his own efforts.
If with Rehu/Ketu – courageous but miser. If exalted – pleasure seeker. If debilitated – malefic, miser, quarrelsome. If with Venus – special benefic results during main/ sub period of Venus. If with lord of Lagna and lord of 6th house – breathing problems, throat problem or piles. If with Mars – intelligent, wealth, high status, enjoys all comforts of life. If with Mercury – poet, artist, wealthy.
In female horoscope – happy, happiness from co-borns, beautiful, journeys, sexy but secretive, miser, ingratitude, problem with children, children not capable, cough and gastric problems. Harsh, gets angry very soon, bad company.
Fourth House
Desire of getting high status, happiness from spouse and son, Donor, happy, good health, generous, intelligent, lucky after marriage, wealth, facility for conveyance, suffers from ailments of cold, problems in old age, frequent changes in profession, Profession of water borne things like fish, conch-shell, pearls etc. profitable, Devotee, keeps the females happy, lives in palatial house. Marine trade, manufacturer or trading of patented medicines, perfumes, oils, power etc.
If having directional strength – high status. If in Sagittarius sign – troubles upto 4th year of age. If strong – fame, successful in politics, money flows towards him automatically, impressive personality. If in enemy sign – quarrelsome, devoid of mother’s happiness, happy in childhood, sufferings in adulthood, dispute with co-borns and near relations. If with Jupiter – very wealthy. If of Poornima – definitely enjoying high status. If exalted and aspected by Jupiter – senior officer. If with Venus – having contacts with mean and wicked people. If with Mercury – sufferings, does not get the benefic results of Moon. Mother suffers at the age of 36, mother short-lived. If with Mars- wealthy provided Saturn is not posited in 4th or 10th house.
In female horoscope – prosperous, conveyance, suffers from cough, cold, and chest – pain. Water injury, gets costly jewelry, proficient in many arts, fond of gems and jewelry, religious, fond of meat, enjoys sex. If Moon is weak – fear, sick. If in Taurus sign and aspected by Jupiter-wife of senior officer.
Fifth House:
Male progeny, happiness from progeny, good income, fame, fond of jewels, landlord, earns by lending money on interest, deligent, playful, idealistic and sets up his own standards, good qualities, speculative gains, impressive while walking, advisor in government service, tantrik, fulfills his desires by worshipping goddesses like Durga, Kali etc., His wife has mark between breasts, business of milk and milk products highly beneficial.
If in Cancer sign – more daughters than sons. If in Cancer sign and Mars is also in 11th house – extremely rich. If debilitated – suffers from ailment of water being retained in stomach. If Moon is weak and malefics are in 1st, 7th, or 12th houses – unmarried or widower or divorcee. If in Taurus or Cancer sign –gains in speculation. If in Sagittarius– faith in religion. If exalted – happiness from wife and son. If Moon is weak – devoid of happiness from spouse, daughters playful. If aspected by Saturn –cheat. If aspected by or in conjunction with malefics-childless, wicked, possibility of progeny possible after age of 52. If with Jupiter – Moon not in a position of giving benefic results. (This is an exception of Gaj Kesri Yoga). If in Taurus, Leo, Virgo or Scorpio signs – hardly one or two children.
In female horoscope – intelligent, prosperous, beautiful, obedient of husband, able children, good conduct, having number of servants, wealthy, excellent behavior. If Moon is weak or aspected by malefic – malefic results. If Moon is in Cancer sign – more number of daughters.
Sixth house
Ailments of mouth, opponent of king but respected in society, enemies are afraid of him, short lived, cough, extravagant, eyes – trouble, quarrelsome, injury from water, stomachache, sexual, masturbation, dehydration, does not feel hungry (Dyspepsia). Suffers at the age of 8 or 23. Sexual intercourse with widow at the age of 36. Not devoted to father, devoid of mother’s attention, does get happiness from maternal uncle, asthmatic.
If with Venus – expenditure on females, venereal disease, If with Rahu or Ketu – dyspepsia, fear from water, retention of water in stomach. If full Moon – long-lived, cough and windy problems, dyspepsia, sexual, number of enemies, promotion in service. If benefic – –good health, well built and strong. If Moon is weak-ill health, sufferings. If exalted – throat troubles. If debilitated – piles. If in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces signs – cough. If with Saturn – liver enlargement. If of Krishna Paksha and with malefic – tuberculosis. If with Jupiter – weak eyesight. If in Capricorn sign and Saturn is in 12th house – excess expenditure. If with lord of 3rd house – breast feeding by lady other than own mother.
In female horoscope – ill health from childhood, quarrelsome, short lived, opponent, dispute, number of enemies, playful, financial crisis, impolite, injured by husband. If Moon is strong in Taurus or Cancer sign – all comforts in life.
Seventh House
Happiness from spouse, gains in trading, attracted by opposite sex specially if Moon is of Krishna Paksha, fond of delicious food, greedy, civilized leader, judge, sea travel, promptness, love marriage, handsome, spouse also beautiful, attraction between husband and wife, frequent changes in the profession, sudden financial gains from wife or son, fond of travelling, speculative gains, gains from things produced in water, gain in partnership. Business in grocery, milk and milk products, grain, restaurant, commission agent, insurance always profitable.
If with Venus – more than one marriage (legal or illegal) or extra – marital relations. If exalted – two marriages, luck will help only after marriage. If debilitated and with Rahu / Ketu-insomnia. In signs other than Taurus and Cancer – handsome, lucky, loss of married life. If debilitated or in enemy’s sign – spouse wicked / quarrelsome / having extra marital relations. If of Krishna Paksha – greedy, fond of sweets, sexual. If in Taurus –most sexual. If weak in Taurus sign – ailments of semen and urine. If weak and afflicted with malefics – spouse having ill health. If in odd sign – harsh. If with Saturn or aspected by Saturn – devoid of marital happiness, delay in marriage, spouse older than him, without son, spouse having extra marital relations. If with Jupiter and Mercury – land lord, all comforts in life. If in Taurus, Sagittarius, Aquarius or Pisces sign – early marriage. If with exalted Jupiter – very wealthy.
In female horoscope – gets excellent husband, dear of husband, intelligent, prosperous, ordinary in appearance, religious, soft spoken, fame, cunning, If Moon is weak – deprived of happiness from husband. If Moon is with Saturn – remarriage.
Eighth House
Ill health, chronic diseases, diabetes, cough. Intelligent, gains in business, talkative, priggish, jealous, wicked, corrupt, makes fool of others, short lived, problems with government, fear from water, fever, inflammation, serious sufferings at the age of 36 and 40. Problems at the age of 6 and 10. Doctors are always present in the house because of continuous ill health. Rheumatism, fear from thieves, leaves motherland, servants leak out secrets of house. Loss of wealth at the age of 44.
If in own / friendly sign – asthmatic. If with benefic planets – gains from partnership. If with Jupiter – fear from water at the age of 32. If afflicted with Mars and Venus – death due to drowning, untimely death, sudden death of mother. If in Taurus or Cancer sign with benefics or aspected by a benefic – longlived. If afflicted with malefic – fear of sudden death. If Moon is weak – short lived. If in watery sign and with Jupiter and aspected by malefic – tuberculosis. If with Saturn – liver disease. If weak and of Krishna Paksha and with malefic – Tuberculosis.
In female horoscope – grieved, malefic, short lived, ill health, frail constitution, angry, eyes troubles, wicked, deformed breasts. If Moon is in own sign/ exalted or in friendly sign – not malefic. If with malefic or aspected by malefic – possibility of death in childhood. If Moon is with Jupiter – malefic results.
Ninth House
Good income in administrative services, get all comforts, happiness from friends / sons / near relations, fame in society, fortunate in the young age. Sound health, son has chest pain throughout the life / cough/ pneumonia, financial gains, donor, ascetic, hard worker, famous for judgement, playful, intelligent, bookworm, brave, few brothers, successful in all ventures, happiness from charming females, pilgrimage at the age of 20. Happiness from progeny, gains in partnership, leader in public, devotee, devotee of father, charm attracts opposite sex, gains in tourism, lucky at the age of 24.
If in male sign – devoid of elder brother and younger sister. If in fixed sign – devoid of elder sister and younger brother. If full Moon with strong planets – extremely fortunate, father long lived. If with benefics- long lived. If with Venus – wicked spouse. If weak or debilitated – poor, lacking qualities, atheist. If aspected or afflicted with a malefic – unlucky. If with malefics- sexual relations with wife of preceptor or with a female older in age.
In female horoscope-religious, social, happy, prosperous, happiness from parents, intelligent, understands psychology of others, clever, lucky, gets appreciation, good sons and servants. If Moon is weak or debilitated or in enemy’s sign – devoid of spiritual and material comforts. If Moon is benefic and strong – good results.
Tenth House
Serious disposition, happiness from coborns and near relations, honour from government, devoid of happiness form first child, proficient, generous, businessman, famous, brings laurels for family, always helpful to others, gains from government, winner, financial gains at the age of 27 and 43. Business of ornamental articles, doctor, manufacturer of medicines. Father suffers from 36th to 40th year of age, fortunate at the age of 24, frequent changes in profession and transfers in service, shrewd spouse, sufferings in infancy, earns in the business of prostitution, gains from females of good families.
If afflicted with malefics – cold and cough. If with Ketu – Rajyog. If full Moon – Rajyog (Definite). If in enemy’s sign or in the sign of malefic planet – ill heath, unfortunate. If with malefic – sinner, defamation due to relation with widow at the age of 27. If in moveable sign-instability in business. If with Mars – tremendous loss. If with Saturn – loss in business. If in Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn sign – number of changes in profession. If with Mercury – sufferings in old age. If with Jupiter – definitely a gazetted officer in government. If with exalted Jupiter – very wealthy.
In female horoscope – prosperous, Rajyog, wealth, happy family, enjoying high status, good conduct, famous, full with jewelry, main person in family, donor, religious.
Eleventh House
Fame, gains from mother, honoured by government, position of authority, permanent rich, more female progeny, good qualities, happy, liked by everybody, long-lived, likes foreign countries, proficient in government work, service in bank or treasury, happiness from sons, comforts from servants, happiness from spouse, minister, adviser, secretary, astrologer, historian. Financial gains at the age of 16, 20, 24, 45, honour at the age of 27. Gets son at the age of 50, successful in business and politics. If birth in nights – removes malefic effect of other planets. Bold in speech, clever, handsome, always adopts right path, comforts of different type of vehicles.
If in own sign – comforts of vehicles, sea- travel. If weak / in enemy’s sign / debilitated – ill health, devoid of comforts. If with Venus – comforts of vehicle, educated. If with Saturn-Rajyog.
In female horoscope – happy, wealthy, prosperous, sudden gains, diplomatic, donor, polite, enjoys good health. If Moon is weak – even then good results. If Moon is of Krishna Paksha – slight decrease in benefic results.
Twelfth House
Slender body, lucky due to mother, fear of enemies, eye troubles- specially in left eye, expenditure for good cause. Does not have permanent friendship with females, unsuccessful in fulfilling desires, playful, injury near eyes, expenditure in pleasure seeking, diligent, lazy, sad, defamed, fond of food, handicapped, wicked, husband of ill wife. Educated, fear of water at the age of 45, no happiness from maternal or paternal side, defamation due to contact with females, people do not have faith in him, occult science.
If in Aquarius sign-short-lived. If in Cancer or Pisces sign – Rajyog, knowledge of mantras, speculator, suffers from cold. If afflicted with Mars and Sun-dispute in family. Penalty from government, prison, loss in gambling. If in Scorpio or Capricorn signs – cheat, wicked. If strong – service, wicked boss. If with benefic – intelligent, good deeds. If weak / with malefic / in enemy’s sign – sinner, loss of left eye, no salvation. If Moon is weak – angry, deformity in the body. If aspected by malefics-prison. Father changes residence in the main period of Moon.

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