The name ‘Sadesati’ sends a chill in the spine of a common man. Most of them take it as a dreadful occurrence and ignore the good qualities of Saturn. Apart from seven and half years transit of Saturn i.e. Sadesati, the Transit of Saturn over the 4th house from the radical Moon i.e. Ardhashtama Shani and over the 8th house from the radical Moon i.e. Asthama Shani are also considered bad. The native born under the above mentioned disposition of Saturn with reference to Moon is likely to suffer maximum during Saturn’s transit over the sensitive houses.
Brihat Samhita
During the Saturn’s transit over the natal Moon the native concerned will be troubled by poison and fire, separated from one’s kith and kins, will wander in foreign countries, will neither have friends nor a house to live in etc.
During Saturn’s transit over the 2nd house from the natal Moon, the native will be bereft of happiness and pride. Even if he earns much wealth through many channels, it would not be sufficient to fulfil his needs.
During Saturn’s transit over the 4th house from the natal Moon, the native will be separated from his friends, wealth and wife etc. Everything in his mind will be wicked, sinful and crooked.
During Saturn’s transit over the 8th house from the natal Moon the native will be without wife and children. He will engage himself in mean activities.
Yavana Jathaka
When Saturn is transiting over the natal Moon, the native has fear of imprisonment. There will be danger from fire and weapons etc. Native will be deceived by others and will have miseries. Native’s spouse and child may pass away or leave him alone.
During Saturn’s transit over the 2nd house from the natal Moon, native will have excess of expenditure and loss of money.
During Saturn’s transit over the 4th house from the natal Moon, native suffers humiliation. He will be running from pillar to post and will always be in difficulties.
During Saturn’s transit over the 8th house from the natal Moon, the native suffers a lot.
During Saturn’s transit over the 12th house from natal Moon, all endeavours of native fail, his intelligence and skill get diminished. His respect is affected and he suffers humiliation.
Jyotisharnava Navanitam
During Saturn’s transit over the natal Moon the native loses his physical energy, mental balance and is troubled from various diseases.
During Saturn’s transit over the 2nd house of the natal Moon, the native will be in grief, will incur losses in undertakings. There will be futile wandering.
During Saturn’s transit over the 12th house from the natal Moon one will lose his honour, be anguished, will have limited gains. He will be in the grip of strife and penury.
During Saturn’s transit over the 4th house from the natal Moon native will have body troubles, mental distress and fear etc.
During Saturn’s transit over the 8th house from the natal Moon, native will face obstacles in his undertakings. He will be troubled from diseases, there will be decline in his income etc.
All the three dreadful transit positions of Saturn are dependant upon the placement of Moon in the horoscope, but what will be the exact time of occurrence of above three position is a matter of debate. I will discuss here the starting of Sadesati only and from that, occurrence of Ardhasthama Shani and Ashtama Shani may be ascertained. Most of them consider the starting point of Sadesati on Saturn’s entry into 12th house from natal Moon and its ending point with leaving the 2nd house from the natal Moon, thus comprising a cycle of 7½ years spread over the three houses. Some opine that the impact of Sadesati starts when it is 45° away, towards 12th house, from the natal Moon and it ends when Saturn passes 45° from the radical Moon. Both statements seem to be ambiguous and absurd. Since it is a known fact that the occurrence of Sadesati or alike is dependent upon the exact longitude of the Moon. Say in a horoscope Moon’s longitude is 3°10′ in sign Cancer. Now as per theory No. 1 when Saturn will enter signs Gemini the Sadesati will start and when it is leaving the sign Leo the Sadesati will end. As per theory No. 2, Saturn’s entry into a sign 45° prior its placement means when Saturn will be at 18° in sign Taurus the Sadesati will begin and when Saturn will cross 18° in sign Leo the Sadesati will end. Here arises a question that when Moon is pivotal point in deciding the occurrence and ending of sadesati, under the circumstances only Moon’s longitude should be a pivot to decide the beginning and ending of Sadesati. As we have taken Moon’s longitude as 3s3°10′ hence as and when transiting Saturn will be at 2s3°10′ it will be the beginning of Sadesati and the ending point should be 5s3°10′ will reference to transiting Saturn. This method of calculating Sadesati etc coincides with equal house division as being adopted.